01 Unit 1 Meeting People


02 Unit 1 1.1 Hello


03 Unit 1 1.2 How Are You


04 Unit 1 1.3 Return A Greeting


05 Unit 1 1.4 Introducing Yourself


06 Unit 1 1.5 My Name Is Máirtín


07 Unit 1 1.6 What's Your Name


08 Unit 1 Conversations 1A & 1B


09 Unit 1 1.7 The Emphatic Form Of Leat


10 Unit 1 1.8 The Personal Pronouns


11 Unit 1 Excercises 1.1 & 1.2 Your Turn!


12 Unit 1 1.9 The Cardinal Numbers


13 Unit 1 1.10 Introducing People


14 Unit 1 1.11 Saying Goodbye


15 Unit 1 Conversation 1C & 1D


16 Unit 1 1.12 The Vocative Case


17 Unit 1 1.13 Sibh


18 Unit 1 Exercises 1.4 & 1.5 Your Turn!


19 Unit 1 Exercise 1.6 Numbers


20 Unit 1 Talking Heads


21 Unit 1 Exercise 1.7 Review Of Unit 1


22 Unit 2 Your Background And Where You Live


23 Unit 2 2.1 Where Are You From


24 Unit 2 2.2 I'm From


25 Unit 2 2.3 Cónaí


26 Unit 2 2.4 I And In


27 Unit 2 2.5 Nationality


28 Unit 2 Conversations 2A & 2B


29 Unit 2 2.6 The Vocative Case


30 Unit 2 2.7 Emphatic Forms


31 Unit 2 Exercises 2.1 & 2.2 Your Turn!


32 Unit 2 Vocabulary 1 Countries


33 Unit 2 Vocabulary 2 Nationalities


34 Unit 2 Exercise 2.4 Answer The Questions!


35 Unit 2 2.8 The Numbers 11-20


36 Unit 2 2.9 Addresses


37 Unit 2 Exercise 2.5 Addresses


38 Unit 2 Vocabulary 3 Types Of Places And Faclilites


39 Unit 2 Useful Phrases


40 Unit 2 Conversations 2C & 2D


41 Unit 2 2.10 The Article In Irish


42 Unit 2 2.11 Initial Changes To Nouns


43 Unit 2 Exercises 2.6 & 2.7 Your Turn!


44 Unit 2 Talking Heads


45 Unit 2 Exercise 2.8 Review Of Unit 2


46 Unit 3 The Family


47 Unit 3 3.1 Marital Status


48 Unit 3 3.2 Are You Married


49 Unit 3 3.3 Answering Questions


50 Unit 3 Vocabulary Family Members


51 Unit 3 3.5 Do You Have Children


52 Unit 3 3.6 I Have No Children


53 Unit 3 3.7 Counting People


54 Unit 3 Conversations 3A & 3B


55 Unit 3 3.8 What Age Is He


56 Unit 3 3.9 Bliain


57 Unit 3 Exercises 3.1 & 3.2 Your Turn!


58 Unit 3 Exercise 3.4 Answer The Questions!


59 Unit 3 3.10 How Many Brothers Do You Have


60 Unit 3 3.11 My Brother


61 Unit 3 3.12 Introducing Members Of The Family


62 Unit 3 Conversations 3C & 3D


63 Unit 3 3.13 Plural Forms


64 Unit 3 3.14 The Vocative Case


65 Unit 3 Exercises 3.6 & 3.7 Your Turn!



66 Unit 3 Talking Heads


67 Unit 3 Exercise 3.8 Review Of Unit 3


68 Unit 4 The House And Accomodation


69 Unit 4 4.1 What Kind Of Accomodation Do You Have


70 Unit 4 4.2 I And In


71 (Part 1) - Unit 4 4.3 It's On The Edge Of The City


72 Unit 4 Vocabulary 1 Houses And Rooms


73 Unit 4 Vocabulary 2 Inside The House


74 Unit 4 Exercise 4.1 Answer The Questions!


75 Unit 4 Conversations 4A & 4B


76 Unit 4 4.5 Nouns With The Cardinal Numbers 1


77 Unit 4 Exercises 4.3 & 4.4 Your Turn!


78 Unit 4 4.7 Ceann


79 Unit 4 4.8 Is The Rent Expensive


80 Unit 4 4.9 Three Hundred Euro


81 Unit 4 Exercise 4.6 Give The Irish Version!


82 Unit 4 Conversations 4C & 4D


83 Unit 4 4.10 Do You Like It


84 Unit 4 Exercises 4.7 & 4.8 Your Turn!


85 Unit 4 Talking Heads


86 Unit 4 Exercise 4.9 Review Of Unit 4


87 Unit 5 Pasttimes


88 Unit 5 5.1 What Do You Do When You Have Free Time


89 Unit 5 5.2 Do You Play Tennis


90 Unit 5 5.3 Answering Questions


91 Unit 5 5.4 Do You Like ...


92 Unit 5 Exercise 5.1 Answer The Questions!


93 Unit 5 5.5 I Like To Read


94 Unit 5 Conversations 5A & 5B


95 Unit 5 5.6 I'm Musical


96 Unit 5 5.7 I Play The Fiddle


97 Unit 5 Exercises 5.2 & 5.3 Your Turn!


98 Unit 5 Vocabulary Pasttimes


99 Unit 5 5.8 Chuig And Go Dtí