
Condolences from Family and Friends


Brenda’s Memories
Memories of my Aunt Rita go back to the 1960s when the Miskimmin and Adams family would gather either in their place on Patterson Ave or ours in Scarborough and later in Keswick. Great fun among all the kids: Me, Anne, Cathy, Lynn, and Adams Maureen, Diane, Frank and Sean. I remember Rita for her kindness and love. It was "yes, my love" and a big hug, and always a big smile. She was my beloved Godmother.

Later in the 1970s Rita opened her home to me when I was in high school, my dad moving to BC and I wanted to finish school with my friends here. Many a good times in the house, where Rita adopted "Misha" and showed endless patience when Diane and I were up to our teenage girl shenanigans. Always a rock for me and the whole family.

Once we moved west, we lost some contact but were always in touch for birthdays and holidays. I'm glad Rita was able to get to know my daughter Kate when we visited here. I know that my Dad John would be here today if he could, as would I. While Rita has been freed of the bonds of this earth now, she will always be remembered as a generous and loving woman, who put family and friends before herself. She was the best aunt ever.
Love you forever Rita,


Dominic and Irene
I am very proud to say that Rita Adams was my aunt but not only was she my aunt but she was also my friend.
She first came to stay with Irene and I in Ireland in 1994. She was open minded, generous, loving and caring and took a full part in the running of our home for the short time she was there. She told our son, Dominic Óg that her grandchildren called her Máthair Mór and he could do the same. He has always carried that with him and reminded us of it last week when told of Aunt Ritas death.

Aunt Rita was in Ireland during the events leading up to the first ceasefire in August '94. Sinn Féin had organised a huge peace rally in Dublin at the time and Aunt Rita travelled to Dublin with us and Forty other Republicans on a bus. The craic was 90 and as the songs started Aunt Rita joined in and was soon singing  away. In O'Connell Street she stood with the masses and cheered as Gerry told us it was time for Britain to leave Ireland. She may well have spent the majority of her life abroad but on that day in Dublin she was as Irish as the rest of us.

When we travelled to Toronto for our honeymoon she virtually handed her house over to us for our stay there. She had everyday planned out for us and along with Ray brought us to all the tourist attractions. When we encountered difficulties with the Canadian authorities she contacted lawyers and made sure all our needs were catered for.

Over the next lot of years we looked forward to Aunt Rita returning on her visits to Ireland and when our daughter Niamh came along she too had a Máthair Mór. Aunt Rita liked to arrive in time for the August Féile and together we would attend the many concerts, debates and Irish classes  during the Féile.

I had the terrible feeling when she returned home to Canada from her last trip to Ireland that that would be the last I would see her. She was slowing up and not as agile as previous years. I gave her a hug and a kiss and she left. Aunt Rita will always be in our thoughts and we will never forget her.

Dominic and Irene


While you pay honour to Rita in Toronto others from Rita's family are gathered in Belfast. Me? Im in front of her apple tree in the garden in Maggies in Donegal. We had great times here. One of my abiding memories is seeing her framed in the early morning light leaning over the half door at the back. She was away with the fairies, in a special space, utterly contented, inhaling the bright red and vivid green of the fuchsia. Or on the strand. Or getting  a lift on the fishing trawler back from the islands. Colette & I, Gearóid, Roísín - all our clann loved Rita. Bean ailinn í. Mo giolla mhear. M'aintin is fearr. I miss her. Slán Rita. You will always be here with us in Maggie's. 


Ciss and Dessie Carabine
Sincere condolences to te entire Adams family,on the death of their dearly beloved mother/grandnother Rita,and cousin of my late mother Josie McLaughlin,thanks for the memories and the craic we had when we went on the marches in Belfast and the work shops during the feilé an phobail,thinking of you also Raymond.Rest in peace Rita.
Mary Queen Of The Gael pray for her.
Remembered fondly by Ciss and Dessie Carabine,
Ciss Carabine (McLaughlin), Belfast, Ireland


To Maureen Diane Frank Sean Raymond and the entire family, Maura and family are with you in our thoughts.

Aunt Rita really was a wonderful woman. So kind and generous and great fun. I went to Canada during the troubles here in Ireland and she welcomed me into her home to live.  She also shared her small bedroom with me buying bunk beds for us. We even ended up sharing clothes. She had Ray and Brenda in the house too. That was three people she was sharing her home with.  In later years I was able to share my home with her when she came to Ireland. We travelled around Donegal staying in youth hostels and B Bs, or up the Antrim Coast to Whitepark Bay.  She loved coming here and we  enjoyed  her company.  We all miss her but have wonderful memories of a great Aunt and friend. Maura


Maureen Diane Frank. Sean and families. Heartbroken for you. Aunt Rita was a great woman. Her love for you all was never-ending. She loved to get back home to see everyone and go on a holiday to any part of Ireland. I will miss her for the rest of my life but I have my memories and this will keep me going until we meet again. Slan Aunt Rita. Mairead Fionntan Aine and  families.


Anne Magee
I will always remember your Aunt Rita how kind she was to us when we first came to Canada.   She had us over to her house often . Frankie , Sean – Colin and Martin were about the same age and got along well.
She took us to the Library – and showed me around the Danforth to shop for bargains.
We had our first Pizza at her house  - and was waiting for a knife and fork to eat it with.   We had many good happy times together . She even took me to the Choir at St. Dustan’s – and I was Sponsor for Maureen at Confirmation.
We lost touch when I moved away – did see her at Weddings – sorry I did not keep in touch more.
Her smile and laugh were contagious – we talked and laughed  and I always felt better after .
 She was a wonderful person – and will be missed especially by the family.  I will keep them all in my thoughts and prayers.


Cecelia Martin
My thoughts and prayers are with you Frank, as well as your family, at this sad time. Your Mom touched many hearts in her very full life. Her spirit lives on through you all.


Julie George
My kind thoughts are with you and your family. You and your daughters are so blessed to have had such a wonderful role model !!! Julie George


Canadian Women's Foundation
On behalf of the Canadian Women's Foundation board of directors, please accept our kind thoughts and sincere wishes for you and the family. We are fortunate that you shared many wonderful stories with us through the years . Her Irish spirit will be with you forever!


Jane Van Toen
Stephen, Sinead, Sean and I all have fond memories of Rita and our thoughts are with you all at this time. Rita was indeed a very special lady. She made an impact and will live on in her children, grandchildren and all those who were fortunate enough to have met her. RIP Rita.

Jane Van Toen and the Browns


Chris Mitchell
My memories of Aunt Rita are mostly of myself and my grandfather, John Misikmmin at Rita and Rays house. Many hot summer days were spent at their place swimming in the pool and as always many delicious meals followed. There was also countless hours spent with ray in front of the computer playing games.
With love, God Bless


Anne Andrzejewski (Kavanagh)
We have beautiful memories of Rita when the Kavanagh family would visit on Sunday's when we were children. Lots of fun, food and hijinks! Eilish and Hugh Kavanagh were great friends of Rita and Sean Adams since the 1950's when they all emigrated to Canada. All the Kavanagh kids had a ball thoughout our childhoods with the Adam's kids, Maureen, Dianne, Frank and Sean.

May you alway walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their
wings right beside your door.

Rest in Peace dear Rita.

The Kavanagh Family


Louella La
Rita, your beauty will shine through everyone you touched, and we will all be better people for it. RIP dear woman, peace and love.
~ Louella La, Toronto, Ontario


Maria O'Sullivan
Another angel in the sky
Maria O'Sullivan, Cork, Ireland